Sunday, April 23, 2006


chem spa is tomorrow. my class is buggered. both for bio and chem spa we're taking it on the first day. so no extra time for studying or sneaking around. hah. hopefully, i wont screwed up though i am confident considering mock spa marks. hehe. jheeva calls me chem spa god but he forgot that someone else got full marks. haha.

bloody hell. at least me and asvhin finally conquered bloodshed alley fighting triple chaos. and as the saying goes, "If the Ultramarines cannot do it, noone can." true enough, they were the ones who led the spearhead and whooped ass. hah. i cant believe it, we spent 2 weekends trying to conquer it. at least i finally mastered the space marines. what cant a few plasma marines with those assault marines cannot achieve? nothing. thats wad. hurrah.

besides, i still need to refine my pi idea. shit. i onli have less than a week to do it. hopefully, i cant meet the expectations. anyone willing to donate good ideas are more than welcome. :) of course, i'll modify them and make them my own. haha.

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